This year, Rayfoun’s workshop has been held in the public garden that the City Council has made available to Awlad el Aasr.
This year, Rayfoun’s workshop has been held in the public garden that the City Council has made available to Awlad el Aasr.
“On peut constater un avant et un après l’atelier de marionnettes, les enfants sont rassérénés ayant touché le fond de leur cœur à travers la marionnette.”
“It was a real pleasure for me to participate in this workshop which had a very specific objective: that children connect with their emotions and understand that they can handle them to learn and grow.”
How an exercise or activity well focused can liberate a child and giving his own place in a group. 7-years-old Aristotle was one of 20
محترف اولاد اصبح جزء من حياتنا ننتظره كل موسم لكي نحقق اهداف هذا المحترف التي تختصر بي لم افكار و اختلافات و ابتكارات جميع جنسيات
Awaken to the uniqueness of ones being in this sharing world Let’s stop for a moment and try to feel the heartbeat of our world,
We don’t see things as they are we see things as we are…. Through Atelier Awald children spontaneously learn how important and worthy they are.
Awakening garden “It is through the awakening of the conscience of each individual that we will be able to eradicate racial inequalities, religious and social.….
Faire découvrir à un enfant le processus de la création.Le laisser cheminer de lui-même et retrouver ses sources personnelles. Il en gardera une trace qui